The 1st words are included in the pictures.

Exodus 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not ...Exodus 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not ...

Exodus 20:10 (Commandment 4)
The 2 is made into the 2 mouths for God speaking His commandments on the 2 tables of stone.
This part of the 4th commandment pictures are drawn on 4’s & placed on the 1st stone that you can think of as making a circular shape for a zero in Exodus 20. 
The exodus icon waves are placed on both sides of this picture to represent the mountain being altogether on a smoke when God spoke the 10 commandments. 
‘But the seventh’ is denoted with the bottom, or base, of the 4 made into a ‘7.’
‘day’ is the sun at the top of the 4.
‘is the sabbath’ is the bed in the middle of the 4 depicting ‘sabbath’ rest.
‘of the Lord’ is a 4 made into a chair or throne where Jesus is sitting.
‘thy God’ is the cloud.
‘in it’ is referring to the 7th day, so ‘it’ is the 7th at the base of the 4.
‘thou shalt’ is portrayed with the people on a 4 working. 
‘not’ is the 'not' diagonal line across the 4.
‘do any work’ is the 4 made with the 6 days of creation pictures put at each point of the 4 & illustrated with someone ‘working.’
Day 1 is light & a man is gardening in the daylight.
Day 2 is the firmament with the water that was divided, so a lady is doing some laundry in the water.
Day 3 is land & trees, with a man picking some apples. 
Day 4 is sun, moon, & stars with the lady cleaning the room made out of a 4 & making a bed.
Day 5 is fish & fowl with a man fishing in the water.
Day 6 is land animals & man, so a man is selling his animal to another man.

For verse :10 the capital B, makes a royal blue ‘1’ on the left side & a royal blue ‘0’ is made on the top circle of the B, & another royal blue ‘1’ is made on the 7th day & a royal blue ‘0’ around the sun, & another royal blue ‘1’ is made on the ‘not’ sign & a royal blue ‘0’ around the people doing work.

Jesus made the rules for the sabbath & did not concede to the Pharisees rules, with all the hardship they had added. That is why Paul says in Colossians 2 beware lest any man spoil you after the tradition of men, do not let anyone judge you & tell you how to keep the sabbath, be like Jesus & keep it the way He commanded it should be kept.

Exodus 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not ...Exodus 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not ...
Exodus 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not ...Exodus 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not ...


Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances ...& took it out of the way, nailing...Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances ...& took it out of the way, nailing...
Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances ...& took it out of the way, nailing...Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances ...& took it out of the way, nailing...
Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances ...& took it out of the way, nailing...Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances ...& took it out of the way, nailing...

Colossians 2:14
‘Blotting out’ is illustrated with the Colossians icon angel holding a 2 with a ‘blotting’ sponge at the bottom of the 2 ‘blotting out,’ which means to obliterate, wipe out, & erase.
‘the handwriting of ordinances’ is the angel’s ‘hands’ blotting out the ‘handwriting of ordinances’ made at the top of another 2.
‘& took it out of the way’ is denoted with the bottom of the 2 with an arrow to 'take it out of the way.’
‘nailing it to his cross’ is the Colossians angel holding a hammer & ‘nailing’ the ordinances to Jesus’ ‘cross,’ angled over to make a 2.
You can correlate the verse that says nailing it to his ‘cross’ with a ‘c’ is in the book of ‘Colossians’ with a ‘C.’ Also, ‘cross’ ends with ‘oss’ & ‘Colossians’ has an ‘oss’ in the middle of it.

For verse :14 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the hammer & a royal blue ‘4’ is made at the bottom of the ordinance’s notebook nailed to the cross.

The handwriting contained in ordinances are nailed to Jesus’ cross, like the name Pilate nailed on the cross labeling Jesus as ‘King of the Jews.’ Now we can label Jesus as ‘the Lamb’ that satisfies our sacrificial requirement to have a lamb. We have to be able to explain & give evidence that the sacrificial law is still in force or else the 10 commandments can also not be in force. 
‘…Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.’ Col. 2:17
Our prayers go nowhere unless we have a Lamb & pray in the name of Jesus. Cain & Abel had to have a lamb, & so do we. But ours is the faith in Jesus as our Lamb.


John 1:29 ... Behold the Lamb of God ...John 1:29 ... Behold the Lamb of God ...
John 1:29 ... Behold the Lamb of God ...John 1:29 ... Behold the Lamb of God ...

John 1:29 
Jesus is the burnt offering altar Lamb
‘Behold’ are the hands on the John icon ‘holding.’
‘the Lamb’ is the 1 drawn with a lamb on it.
‘of God’ is the hands, again.

For verse :29 a royal blue ‘2’ is made on the temple below the 1 & a royal blue ‘9’ is made on the John icon world.


John 2:19 ...Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.John 2:19 ...Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
John 2:19 ...Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.John 2:19 ...Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.

John 2:19
Jesus is the temple
‘Destroy’ is the top of the 2 made into a sword.
‘this temple’ is a temple building drawn on the 2.
‘& in 3 days’ is represented with a 3 with suns in it, to represent ‘days.’ 
‘I will raise it up’ you can think of the John icon hands to lift & ‘raise’ the temple ‘up’ & the arrow going ‘up’ to the top of the 2 also for ‘raising it up.’

For verse :19 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the lamb above the 2 & a royal blue ‘9’ is made on the John icon world. You can think that John 1 & 2 go together because they use each other’s number in the verse numbers 2 & 1, & the 9’s are the same at the end.


John 4:14 ...whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst...John 4:14 ...whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst...
John 4:14 ...whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst...John 4:14 ...whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst...

John 4:14
Jesus is the laver of water
‘whosoever’ is the woman with the ‘w’ to represent the ‘w’ in ‘woman’ & ‘whosoever.’  
‘drinketh’ is the vase that the woman is holding you can think makes a capital ‘D’ for ‘drinketh.’
‘of the water’ is the bucket of water hanging on the rope on the well made into a 4.
‘that I shall give him’ is Jesus with his hand out. 
‘shall never’ is the arrow pointing down at the bottom of the 4.
‘thirst’ is the 4 also making the letter ’t’ for ‘thirst’ in the middle & right side.

For verse :14 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the woman & a royal blue ‘4’ is made on the well made into a 4.


John 6:48 ...I am that bread of life...John 6:48 ...I am that bread of life...
John 6:48 ...I am that bread of life...John 6:48 ...I am that bread of life...

John 6:48
Jesus is the table of shewbread
‘I’ is the top of the 6 that you can think makes a stick person, for Jesus.
‘am the bread’ is the loaf of bread at the bottom of the 6.
‘of life’ is the top line of the 6 with the arrow going up, to think of ‘living’ forever, & the top line of the 6 also makes an ‘l’ for ‘life.’

For verse :48 a royal blue ‘4’ is made on the well above the 6 & a royal blue ‘8’ is made on the light of the world made in an 8 below the 6. You can think John 4, 6, & 8 go together because John 6 uses 4 & 8 for its verse numbers.


John 8:12 & 9:5 ...I am the light of the world...John 8:12 & 9:5 ...I am the light of the world...
John 8:12 & 9:5 ...I am the light of the world...John 8:12 & 9:5 ...I am the light of the world...

John 8:12
Jesus is the candlestick light
‘I am the light’ is the sun in the top circle of the 8.
‘of the world’ is the world in the bottom circle of the 8. 

For verse :12 a royal blue ‘12’ is made after John 10 to think the numbers are going by 2’s for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, then 12 comes next.

John 9:5
Jesus is the candlestick light
‘I am the light’ is the sun in the top circle of the 9.
‘of the world’ is the bottom of the 9 made into an arrow pointing over to the bottom of the 8 world, to remember John 8 & 9 say the same phrase.

For verse :5 a royal blue ‘5’ is drawn on the top of the 9 sun.


John 10:7 ... I am the door ...John 10:7 ... I am the door ...
John 10:7 ... I am the door ...John 10:7 ... I am the door ...

John 10:7
Jesus is the door
‘I am’ is the 1 made into a man to represent Jesus.
‘the door’ is the zero made into a door.

For verse :7 a royal blue ‘7’ is made on the right & top of the door.


Hebrews 10:20 ... through the veil, that is to say, his flesh ...Hebrews 10:20 ... through the veil, that is to say, his flesh ...
Hebrews 10:20 ... through the veil, that is to say, his flesh ...Hebrews 10:20 ... through the veil, that is to say, his flesh ...

Hebrews 10:20
Jesus is the veil
‘through the veil’ is the zero made into a miniature sanctuary with ‘the veil’ going ‘through’ the middle of it. 
‘that is to say’ is the high priest drawn on the 1 with the voice lines. 
‘his flesh’ is Jesus on the Hebrews icon cross.

For verse :20 a royal blue ‘2’ is made on the left side of the altar, & a royal blue ‘0’ is made on the 0 with the veil in it, so you can remember Jesus as the veil is in Hebrews 10 verse 20.


Hebrews 10:21 ... high priest ...Hebrews 10:21 ... high priest ...
Hebrews 10:21 ... high priest ...Hebrews 10:21 ... high priest ...

Hebrews 10:21
Jesus is high priest
‘high priest’ is the 1 made into the high priest.

To help you remember these chapter numbers, the numbers in John go in order, after John 1, with even numbers, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 (with the 9 attached on to the 8). 
And the last 2 are in Hebrews 10.  So the chapters go:  1, 2, 4, 6, 8, (9) 10, 10, 10

For verse :21 a royal blue ‘2’ is made again on the left side of the altar & a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the high priest. You can think these last 3, John 10, Hebrews 10, & Hebrews 10, go together because they have the same chapter numbers.


Where is Jesus  the Passover?Where is Jesus  the Passover?

1 Corinthians 5:7
Jesus is the 1st feast,  the Passover 
‘Christ’ is the cross.
‘our passover’ is the arrow ‘passing over’ the tree. 
‘is sacrificed’ is the cross, again.
‘for us’ is the world at the bottom of the 5.

For verse :7 a royal blue ‘7’ is made on the arrow & the tree to think of passing over the tree for passover.


Where is Jesus  the Feast of Unleavened Bread?Where is Jesus  the Feast of Unleavened Bread?

1 Corinthians 5:8
Jesus is the 2nd feast,  the Unleavened bread
‘let us keep the feast’ is the arm at the top of the 5 holding or ‘keeping.’ 
‘with the unleavened bread’ is the flat unleavened bread drawn in the bottom of the 5.
‘of sincerity’ you can think is the sea, with an ’s’ for ‘sea’ & ’sincerity.’ 
‘& truth’ you can think is the tree, with a ’t’ for ‘tree’ & ‘truth.’ 
Jesus is the ‘bread’ of life & the way, the ‘truth’ & the life, so we keep this feast unleavened, that is, humbly with the ‘bread & truth,’ which are Jesus. So, if we humbly stay in Jesus, we are keeping the feast.

For verse :8 a royal blue ‘8’ is made with the top of the 8 drawn around the arm & the bottom of the 8 drawn around the unleavened bread.


Where is Jesus  the 1st Fruits?Where is Jesus  the 1st Fruits?

1 Corinthians 15:23
Jesus is the 3rd feast, the 1st Fruits
‘Christ’ is the 1 made into a man to represent ‘Christ.’
‘the 1st fruits’ is the 1 also representing ‘1st’ & the grapes in the 5 illustrating ‘fruits.’

For verse :23 a royal blue ‘2’ is made at the bottom of the grapes for the 1st fruits & a royal blue ‘3’ is made on the side of the palm tree that you can think of as arms getting the 1st fruits of coconuts in the tree for 1st fruits, & 3 & tree also rhyme.


Where is Jesus  the Feast of  Pentecost?Where is Jesus  the Feast of  Pentecost?

Acts 2:1 & 4
Jesus is the 4th feast, Pentecost (penta means 5 for the 50 days)
‘And when the day of Pentecost’ is the ‘A’ for ‘And’ placed up high, at the top of the page, that you can think that Jesus, way up in heaven, sent the Holy Ghost to us on the ‘day of Pentecost.’
‘was fully come’ is thinking of going around the Acts stage to think of a ‘full’ stage. 
‘they’ are the faces drawn on the larger 2.
‘were all filled with the Holy Ghost’ are the 2 doves made in the shape of 2s for the ‘Holy Ghost,’ who Jesus promised to send as His representative, going into the men.

For verse :1 & :4 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the left side of the Acts stage & a royal blue ‘4’ is made with the Holy Spirit & the men inside the 4.

All 4 of these spring feasts go together in their verse & chapter numbers.
1 Corinthians 5 has verses 7 & 8 that add up to 15 for 1 Corinthians 15.
Then 1 Corinthians 15’s verse numbers 2 & 3 add up to 5 for the 1 Corinthians 5s.
These 5s also correlates with Acts’ Pentecost because penta means 5.
Then the Acts 2’s verse numbers 1 & 4 also add up to 5.
You can also correlate that 1 Corinthians 15 verse 23 has a 2 that you can think goes with Acts 2.


Now let’s look at these 4 spring feasts with the autumn feasts & how Jesus is accomplishing these on a timeline. This is the 2300-day timeline from when Daniel prayed in Daniel 9 & received the answer to the prophecy that he was given in Daniel 8 that at the end of the 2300 days or years the sanctuary would be cleansed. It began in 457 b.c. when the decree in Ezra went out to restore & rebuild Jerusalem to the Messiah. That would take 70 weeks. This is the 69 weeks 1st & This last week or 7-year period was Jesus Baptism, his death, & Steven stoned. Jesus accomplished these 4 spring feasts all in 31 a.d. which the arrows are all pointing to 31 a.d.

1. The Passover - Jesus dying on the cross on Friday as the Lamb of God.

2. The Unleavened Bread - Jesus in the grave, not rising up on the Sabbath, till his Father called Him on the 3rd day.

3. The 1st Fruits - Jesus’ resurrection on Sunday.

4. Pentecost, 50 days - which was 50 days later, when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in men.  These all happen in the spring of 31 a.d.

5. Blowing of the trumpets - for 10 days, & since a day = a year in prophecy it was for 10 years that William Miller was called by Jesus in the autumn of 1831 in August, to preach about the sanctuary being cleansed, represented with the soap bubbles.
In the autumn of 1833, Nov. 12 & 13, the amazing stars fell all night which woke people up & started this powerful 10-year preaching that was proclaimed till 1843. 
The Spirit of Prophecy says this 10-year period of time was the Blowing of the Trumpets. It ended with what is now called the great disappointment, with the year being off 1 year because of the 0 on the timeline. It was actually the next year in the autumn, October 22, 1844, which began the 6th feast.

6. Day of Atonement - Jesus started the sanctuary cleansing of sins, that we are in right now. 

7. Tabernacles - we are waiting for Jesus to fulfill when He comes to get us & take us to our homes in heaven, soon.

So, Jesus is also accomplishing the Feast days for us. We can trust in Jesus & our heavenly Father to get the sacrificial system all done perfectly for us, & not we ourselves, like he said he would, to send us a Messiah, a Savior of the world, slain from the foundation of the world, a perfect sacrifice so death will pass over us. Jesus is also our great High Priest accomplishing the rest of the sanctuary services. So, the law of the sacrificial system with its temple & its feasts did not change but was fulfilled. 
Paul did not teach the Gentiles to keep the feasts nor go with him to the feast to keep the feasts, but rather the contrary. Paul went to the feasts because he loved the Jews & wanted them to be converted to Jesus, & the feasts were a wonderful opportunity for him to preach to a gathering of people that he did not have to search for. They were all coming to Jerusalem & he used the situation to help them see that the Messiah had come & reveal to them that Jesus is the new & living way.
In order to have our sins forgiven, we have to have a lamb slain to take the place of our death because the wages of sin is death. Jesus is the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world. The sacrificial laws are perpetual, Jesus will always have the scars. The book of Revelation refers to Jesus 27 times as ‘the Lamb.’
The moral law is our duty for us to perform. The 1st table is how we demonstrate our love to God. The 2nd table is how we demonstrate our love to each other. The sacrificial law is how God is demonstrating His love to us by Jesus death on the cross. And now, Jesus has established the communion service as the way for us to remember how Jesus fulfilled & is fulfilling the sacrificial law for us. 


Ephesians 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained...Ephesians 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained...
Ephesians 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained...Ephesians 2:15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained...

Ephesians 2:15
‘Having abolished’ is represented with the Ephesians icon church ‘having abolished’ the sacrificial laws with the arrow going out of the church at the bottom of the 2 to the law outside of the church.
'in his flesh’ is portrayed with the top of the 2 made into an arm to represent the ‘flesh of Jesus’ that he actually gave himself & died our death ‘in His flesh.’
‘the enmity’ you can think of as the arm looking like it is strong for ‘enmity.’
‘even’ is the bottom of the 2 with the straight ‘even’ line. 
‘the law’ is the notebook on the 2 to represent the ‘law’ making an ‘L’ shape.
‘of commandments contained’ you can think of the top of the 2 making a backwards ‘c’ for ‘commandments’ & ‘contained.’
‘in ordinances’ is circling the notebook to make an ‘o’ for ‘ordinances.’
You can correlate the verse that says, ‘enmity’ with an ‘e’ & ‘even’ with an ‘e’ 1 right after the other is in ‘Ephesians’ with an ‘E.’
You can think that ‘having abolished the law contained in ordinances’ is not performed by the church over here, but was given to Jesus to do ‘in His flesh’ over here on the 2, outside the church.

For verse :15 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the left side of the ordinance’s notebook & a royal blue ‘5’ is made in the right side of the ordinance’s notebook.


Ecclesiates 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his ...Ecclesiates 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his ...
Ecclesiates 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his ...Ecclesiates 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his ...

Ecclesiastes 12:13
‘Let us hear’ is portrayed with the Ecclesiastes icon preacher with his hand up to his ear ‘hearing.’
‘the conclusion’ is the 1 made into a piece of paper writing out ‘the conclusion.’ 
‘of the whole matter’ is the mirror in his hand that you can think of as making a circle like it encompasses
the ‘whole’ thing & that it is a magnifying glass looking at some ‘matter’ under the magnifying glass. 
‘fear God’ is the bottom of the 2 made into a man that is afraid, crouched down & honoring God.
‘and keep his commandments’ is the top of the 2 made into his arm holding on to & ‘keeping the commandments.’
‘for this is the whole duty of man’ is the Ecclesiastes preacher with his hand up to his head, again, this time, for saluting, for ‘duty.’
Even Solomon, the wisest man, besides Jesus, concluded after being given great wisdom & falling into sin & then coming back to God, that ‘the whole duty of man’ was to fear God, that is, to respect God, & ‘keep His commandments.’

For verse :13 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the left side of the commandments & a royal blue ‘3’ is made on the top curves of the commandment stones.


Exodus 20:11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, ...Exodus 20:11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, ...
Exodus 20:11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, ...Exodus 20:11 For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, ...

Exodus 20:11 (Commandment 4)
The 2 is made into the 2 mouths for God speaking His commandments on the 2 tables of stone.
This part of the 4th commandment pictures is drawn on 4s & placed on the 1st stone that you can think of as making a circular shape for the zero in Exodus 20. The exodus icon waves are placed on both sides of this picture to represent the mountain being altogether on a smoke when God spoke the 10 commandments. 
‘For in 6 days’ is exhibited on a big 4 with a big ‘6 in’ it & the 6 creation day pictures are ‘in’ the 4 also.
‘the Lord’ is the large 4 at the bottom made into hands & arms with white sleeves to represent ‘the Lord’ because He is pure & white & holy.
‘made’ are the arms reaching out to do something.
‘heaven’ is illustrated up at the top of the big 4. 
‘& earth’ is portrayed below on the horizontal line of the big 4.
‘the sea’ is represented under the horizontal line of the big 4.
‘& all that in them is’ is depicted with the big 4 having ‘all’ the creation things ‘in’ it.
‘& rested’ is the bed put in the middle of the 4 with an ‘r’ for ‘rested’ in it. 
‘the 7th’ is the ‘7’ drawn on the bottom of the 4. 
‘day’ is the sun at the top.
‘wherefore the Lord blessed’ is the man with his hands out to resemble He is ‘blessing.’
‘the sabbath day’ is illustrated with a bed in the 4 & the sun at the top.
‘& hallowed it’ is portrayed with the inside of the 4 like it is pure & holy with nothing in ‘it’ & also you can think of hollow inside because hollow sounds similar to ‘hallow.’
The 2 vertical lines of the 4 also make the same shape as the 2 ‘l’s in ‘hallowed,’ for the Sabbath day being ‘hallowed’ in ‘it.’

For verse :11 2 royal blue ‘1’s’ are drawn on the top 2 sides of the 1st 4 to make an 11, & the 6 is in between the 2 1’s of the 11, to portray ‘for in 6 days,’ & another royal blue 11 is drawn on the 2 sides of the last 4, & in-between this 11 you can think makes a hollow spot, with hollow sounding like hallow. You can think the word hallow has 2 L L’s, that make an 11 shape.

Since God required Moses & the people to look back to creation, before sin entered our world, when He created the sabbath day, the requirement to obey the 7th day rest should still be in force for those who claim to worship the creator God.


1 Corinthians 10:4
In this chapter, Paul is telling the Corinthians about Moses & the people in the wilderness.
‘For they’ is the sea, for waters in Rev. 17:15, representing people.
‘drank’ is represented with the glass made out of the 1. You can think of the sea of water beside the glass, because we ‘drink’ water. The palm tree with coconuts on it that they could get coconut water to put in the glass, also for a ‘drink,’ you can correlate with 1 Corinthians.
‘of that spiritual Rock’ is depicted with a gray rock made out of a zero, with fire in it symbolizing ‘spiritual.’
‘that followed them & that Rock was Christ’ is symbolized with another gray rock made out of a zero with Jesus in a 1 that is ‘following behind them’ up in the sky. 

For verse :4 a royal blue ‘4’ is made on the glass.

So, we see that Jesus was the Lord in the Old Testament.


Hebrews 13:8
‘Jesus Christ’ is illustrated with Jesus on the 1 with his 2 hands out to associate with the 2 words, ‘Jesus Christ.’ 
‘the same’ is denoted with the 2 hills of the sideways 3, which look ‘the same.’ The 3 is also pointing below to the 3 times Jesus is ‘the same.’
‘yesterday’ is portrayed with the sacrificial altar where the lamb was offered & was the way God’s people had their sins forgiven & the 10 commandments were the covenant written on 2 tables of stone between Him & His people. You can think that the 2 side horns & bottom make a ‘y’ for ‘yesterday.’
'& to day’ is portrayed with the Hebrews icon cross with Jesus being the real sacrifice & the way our sins are forgiven today with the 10 commandments being the covenant written in our hearts between Jesus & us. You can think the cross makes a ’t’ for ’today.’
‘& for ever’ is Jesus in the cloud for being in heaven ‘forever.’

For verse :8 a royal blue ‘8’ is made on the sideways 3.

So, the 10 commandments & His laws will be our covenant with Him forever because the 10 commandments are our duty to show our love to God & mankind. Imagine us keeping all the commandments, which includes the sabbath, with God together with everyone, every week, forever, on His blessed day!


Deuteronomy 32:4
‘He’ is displayed with a 3 on the side of a cloud with a man in it to represent ‘He,’ which is God. ‘He’ is also written in the Deuteronomy icon open book. 
’is the rock’ is a ‘t’ for ‘the’ made in the middle of the 2 to remember this verse says ‘the rock’ & the bottom of the 2 is made into a ‘rock.’
‘his’ is the cloud with a 3 & God in it, again.
‘work’ is the hammer at the bottom of the 2.
‘is perfect’ is the Deuteronomy icon at the top of the 2 with blank clean pages to think of ‘perfect.’ 
‘for all his’ is the cloud with a 3 & God in it, again.
‘ways’ is a 3 made with 2 Lambs traveling on a road ‘way’ with the green grass in the middle.
‘are judgment’ is the ‘judge’s’ gavel drawn on a 2. 
‘a God’ is again, the cloud with the 3 & God in it.
‘of truth’ is the Deuteronomy icon with ‘of truth’ written on it to think of the Bible which is ‘the truth.’

For verse :4 a royal blue ‘4’ is made under the ‘perfect’ Deuteronomy icon to correlate the ‘perfect’ angles of a 4 with the perfect Deuteronomy icon & the ‘perfect’ works of God.

There has been some confusion as to who God wants our ‘rock’ to be. In the Old Testament Moses & David tell about 30 times how much we should depend on & trust in God to be our ‘Rock.’ So God is telling us that He wants Himself to be our ‘Rock’ & no man.


1 Peter 2:5
‘Ye’ are the children. 
‘also’ are the parents.
'as lively stones’ is exemplified with the 3 stones that are blue, purple & turquoise with the lines under them to illustrate they are moving & ‘lively stones.’
‘are built up’ is symbolized with the 2 made into an arrow going ‘up.’
‘a spiritual’ is represented with the 2 made into a dove ‘for spiritual.’ 
‘house’ is the 2 drawn with a church in it.

For verse :5 a royal blue ‘5’ is made by connecting the bottom of the roof to a half circle going around the turquoise stone to make a 5.

Jesus renamed Simon to Peter, meaning a ‘stone.’ Peter himself gives the best explanation why Jesus called him a stone here in this verse. Peter understood that he was not the only stone God would want to have to ‘build’ His new church. It takes a lot of stones to build a church & the ‘lively stones’ are the people Jesus needed to build His whole church building.


1 Peter 2:6
‘I lay’ is represented with the hands for God’s hands for ‘laying.’
‘in Sion’ is the church made ‘in’ the 2.
‘a chief’ is illustrated with the top of the 2 made into a ‘chief’s’ headdress.
‘cornerstone’ is the 1st Peter icon, with Jesus' face on it, at the bottom of the 2, in the ‘corner’ of the church.
‘elect’ you can think of the hands also because we sometimes ‘elect’ someone by raising our hands.
‘precious’ you can think of the stone, as a semi-‘precious’ gem.
‘& he that believeth’ is symbolized with an arrow pointing to the mind of the man at the top of the 2, 'believing.'
‘on him’ is the face of a man representing Jesus drawn at the bottom of the 2.
‘shall not be confounded’ are the 2s drawn going different directions, to look disorderly & ‘confounded.’

For verse :6 a royal blue ‘6’ is made on the stone.

Peter is quoting from Isaiah 28, recognizing the ‘chief cornerstone’ that would be laid in Zion was actually Jesus. Peter understood that Jesus was the stone that the church would be built on. Jesus was the Rock, the God of the Old Testament that followed Moses & the people, & still is today. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, & today, & for ever. The controversy is because Satan was jealous of Jesus & did not want Jesus to be God’s Son. Satan wanted to be worshipped like Jesus is worshipped, so God honors those who honor His Son & make Jesus their Rock.


Luke 23:56
‘And they returned’ is illustrated with a lady drawn in a 2 ‘returning’ from Jesus’ sepulchre.
‘& prepared spices’ is a 3 made into jars of ‘spices.’
‘& ointments’ are the ‘ointment’ drops drawn pouring out of a jar on a 2 & big ‘ointment’ drops made into a 3 shape.
‘& rested’ is portrayed with the Luke icon man on his side ‘resting,’ that you can think is Jesus also ‘resting’ in the grave over the sabbath.
‘the sabbath day’ is the 2 made with a 7 at the top & the sunrays at the bottom.
‘according to the commandment’ is the 3 drawn on the side of the sideways 'commandments' that you can think are also resting. 
You can also think of the 3 as making 2 backward ‘c’s for the ‘c’s in ‘according’ & ‘commandment.'
Another Luke icon is drawn beside the commandments to think that Jesus taught them how to keep the 7th day sabbath correctly & with a delight, without the Pharisees’ hard drudgery rules.

For verse :56 a royal blue ‘5’ is drawn on the top of the jar & the curve of the bottom of the jar & a royal blue ‘6’ is made on the top of the large drop of ointment.


Hebrews 4:4
‘For he spake’ is typified with the voice lines by the top left 4 made into the 10 commandments.
‘in a certain place’ is the green mountain at the bottom of the 4 with the top of the mountain black for the smoke where God spoke the 10 commandments.
‘of the 7th day’ is the bottom of the 4 made into a purple ‘7’ with ‘th’ beside it. 
‘on this wise’ you can think of the Hebrews altar & cross for being 'wise' to teach the Hebrews about what Jesus would accomplish when He carried out the sacrificial system & then the cross starting the actual performance so that we would recognize the Messiah & what all He is doing, that represents ‘wise.’
‘And God’ is symbolized with a 4 made into ‘God’ on His throne. 
‘did rest’ is the 4 with an ‘r’ above the bed for ‘rest.’ 
‘the 7th day’ is the ‘7th’ at the bottom of the 4 & the sun at the top.
‘from all his works’ is the white sleeved arms depicting ‘God’s arms working.'

For verse :4 a royal blue ‘4’ is drawn on the white sleeve arms for God resting from all his works.

You can imagine with the Hebrews abolishing the whole sacrificial system & being taken out of their hands & passed on to Jesus, it was a huge change in their lifestyle. They were wondering then, even about the Sabbath, & was it also taken away. So, Paul is reminding them of the reason for the Sabbath. It was that God rested from working on the 7th day & that the sabbath rest day was still the 7th day. God is reinforcing the 7th day sabbath, here, in the New Testament, & does not refer to it as abolished, blotted out, taken out of the way, or changed.
God astonishingly placed the 4th commandment reminder to rest on the 7th day in Hebrews chapter 4 beginning in verse 4. So, you can correlate all these 4’s together, to say, Commandment 4 is in Hebrews chapter 4 beginning in verse 4.


Hebrews 4:8
‘For if Jesus had given’ can be thought of as either Jesus in the in the New Testament illustrated with the Hebrews icon cross or Jesus in the Old Testament with the sacrifice, either way.
‘them’ is the people on the 4. 
‘rest’ is the 7th at the bottom of the 4 & a bed & an ‘r’ for ‘rest’ in it.
‘then would he not afterward’ is illustrated with the cross for Jesus lower to represent ‘afterwards.’
‘have spoken’ is the voice lines coming from Jesus on the cross.
‘of another day’ is a 4 made into a 1 on the right for ‘another day’ that claims the sabbath change, which is the dominant 1st day worship, with a bed in it & sun at the top to illustrate ‘another rest day.’

For verse :8 a royal blue ‘8’ is drawn on the ‘s’ of the 1st day. You can think that the ‘th’ of the 7th day is different than the ‘st’ of the 1st day to remember verse 8 is about another day.

So, if Jesus would have given them rest in the Old Testament by filling up the 7th day rest, with Himself fulfilling it, then it says Jesus would have given them ‘another day’ to worship Him & rest on, which Jesus did not give them another day to worship on in the Old Testament.
If you apply this verse to the New Testament, that His sacrifice would fulfill or fill up & complete the 7th day rest with Himself like He fulfilled or filled up & completed the passover sacrifice with Himself finishing & accomplishing it & the unleavened bread & the 1st fruits fulfilled & completed, ‘then He would have spoken of another day.’
But ‘Jesus did not speak of another rest day,’ so we see that Jesus performing the sacrificial law does not fulfill or fill up & complete the 7th Sabbath day rest. Looking at these scriptures precept upon precept, line upon line it, establishes for us the coherent thread woven throughout the Bible of the principle of the 7th day sabbath which will answer the question:
Did God give us any words in the Bible to change His law to honor any other day than the 7th day that God chose & commanded us to keep holy, or, are we following the word of man & tradition, that is not consistent to the law or to the testimony, which is our test standard in Isaiah 8?


Hebrews 4:9
‘There remaineth’ is displayed with the Hebrews icon sacrifice to think of the old ‘remains’ of the altar of sacrifice. 
‘therefore’ you can think of the ‘fire’ for ‘fore’ because they sound similar.
‘a rest’ is the bed in a 4 with the 7th at the bottom of the 4 & the sun at the top, with an ‘r’ for 'rest' in it.
‘to the people’ is the 4 made with the ‘people’ on it. 
‘of God’ is Jesus on the cross.

For verse :9 a royal blue ‘9’ is drawn on the people that you can think makes a backwards ‘P’ for the 2 ‘P’s in people.

So, precept upon precept, line upon line till the end of the Bible, the 7th day sabbath is still respected & voiced by God as our obligation to honor His 7th day rest day.


Hebrews 4:10
‘For he’ is illustrated with people, but think of the man especially, drawn on the 4.
‘that is entered into’ is illustrated with people drawn reaching out to ‘enter into’ God’s rest day.
‘his rest’ is the bed in a 4 with the 7th at the bottom & the sun at the top, again, with an ‘r’ for ‘rest’ in it.
‘he also’ is the man on the 1st 4 again. 
‘hath ceased from his own works’ is denoted with a not sign across the 4 made into brown sleeved arms to represent a person ‘not working’ with the Hebrews icon fire under it that you can think is also stopping the arms from ‘working.’
‘as God’ is the 4 made into ‘God‘ sitting on His throne & the Hebrews icon cross for Jesus. 
‘did from his’ is a 4 with the not sign across it made into white sleeved arms to represent ‘God not working.'

For verse :10 a royal blue ‘10’ is drawn with a 1 for the not sign & the 0 going around the brown sleeved arms, & another royal blue ‘10’ is drawn with a 1 for the not sign & the 0 going around the white sleeved arms.

So, the people of God will rest from their works & enter into God’s rest on the 7th day, just like our God gave us the example to do, to keep remembering that He is our great Creator that rested on the 7th day when He finished His creation.


Acts 13:42
‘And when the Jews’ is portrayed with the bottom of the 3 made into a man to represent ‘the Jews.‘
‘were gone out‘ is the arrow pointing down on the side of the 3 to indicate ‘going out' of the Acts building.
‘of the synagogue’ is the Acts building stage you can think of for ‘the synagogue‘ that the Jews were walking on the floor & going out.
‘the Gentiles’ is denoted with the top of the 3 made into a person to represent ‘the Gentiles.‘
‘besought’ is the arrow going up & over & ‘beseeching‘ the 1 made into a man preaching to symbolize Paul preaching to both the Jews & Gentiles there.
‘that these words’ is the 1 made into the 'words' in the Bible.
‘might be preached to them’ is the 3 made into a mouth ‘preaching‘ to the person in the top of the 3.
‘the next’ is the 1 made into an arrow going up from the sun at the bottom of a 3 to the ‘next‘ sun at the top of the 3.
‘sabbath’ is the sun at the top of the 3.

For verse :42 a royal blue ‘4’ is drawn on the bottom of the Bible & a royal blue ‘2’ is drawn around the bottom lip.

There was no new sabbath or 1st day reverence that Paul preached about to the Gentiles nor did he give honor to the glorious resurrection day of Christ, nor the 6th day when Jesus died & paid the price, which should also receive as much attention as the 1st day is today. The law & testimony speak of the 7th day sabbath & to keep it holy & the Gentiles were honoring it as well. They did not ask Paul to come & preach to them on the 1st day, but asked for the ‘next sabbath.‘


Acts 20:7
‘And upon the first day’ is portrayed with the ‘1st’ drawn ‘upon’ the Acts icon stage floor.
‘of the week’ is the 7 black lines in the floor, representing the 7 days ‘of the week.’
‘when the disciples came together’ is denoted with the men ‘coming together' to the house made on a large 2.
‘to break bread’ is the round ‘bread’ in the shape of a zero. 
‘Paul preached unto them’ is indicated with the man with his arms out ‘preaching’ in the window of the house in the 2.
‘ready to depart on the morrow’ is the white arrow at the bottom of the 2 ‘departing.’
‘& continued his speech’ is back up to the man ‘speaking’ in the window of the house, with the top of the 2 making a backwards ‘c’ for ‘continued.’
‘until midnight’ is the zero shaped moon & black sky.

For verse :7 a royal blue ‘7’ is drawn on the right side of the Acts icon stage curtain beside the moon.

The sabbath had just ended when the sun went down & the 1st day was beginning, so they ate together & Paul continues preaching to them until midnight. This is also where Eutychus fell out of the upstairs window that you can correlate to this picture. So, this was Saturday night, not Sunday morning. In Genesis 1, God recons the day starting with the evening 1st then the morning. 
Paul was also leaving & traveling on the 1st day in the morning, which would not be resting on the 1st day, if the sabbath had been changed to that day. So, this situation was not a change of the holy 7th day sabbath. Also, the breaking of bread is referred to as eating every day that we will see in the next few questions. We also know that the sabbath did not change because Luke, who wrote Acts, refers to what we call Sunday as the 1st day & the sabbath as the sabbath day. 
The Jews called the days: 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd day, 4th day, 5th day, preparation day, & sabbath day. The Bible does not refer to the 1st day as the ‘new sabbath or new rest day’ This would have been a tremendous change, to rest upon a different day other than the 7th day & would have received much explanation to the Jews, who understood that the sabbath day rest was due to God creating everything in 6 days & resting on the 7th day.


Acts 2:46
‘And they’ is the 2 men, for Acts 2, in the temple building.
‘continuing’ you can think of the top of the 2 making a backwards ‘c’ for ‘continuing,’ & 'continuing' coming up the 2, to the sun.
‘daily’ is the sun at the top of the 2.
‘with one accord’ you can think of the middle line of the 2 making a ‘1’ for ‘one accord’ in the middle of the temple.
‘in the temple’ is the ‘temple’ building made in the 2 that the 2 men are ‘in.’
‘& breaking bread’ is depicted with a 2 made into 2 loaves of ‘bread’ that you can think are ‘broken’ with half in the top of the 2 & half in the bottom of the 2.
‘from house to house’ are the 2 ‘houses’ for Acts 2 made out of 2s. And the wood floor you can think of as being a road where the houses are, also for ‘from house to house.’
‘did eat their meat’ is the bread again in the 2, because the Bible refers to ‘meat’ as any kind of food.
‘with gladness’ is the top of the 2 made into a ‘glad’ face.
‘& singleness of heart’ is the 1 ‘single heart’ at the bottom of the 2.

For verse :46 a royal blue ‘4’ is made with the houses in the 4 & a royal blue ‘6’ is drawn on the heart.

We see here that ‘breaking bread’ is not referring to the communion service which entails a reverent atmosphere & oneness with God. As opposed to the daily eating of their meals together described here which is a more relaxed & common situation with ‘gladness & singleness of heart’ with each other.