The 1st words are included in the pictures.

Revelation 20:9
‘And they went up on the breadth of the earth’ is the arrow, that you can think of for ’they’ pointing to the 2 going ’up on the breadth of the earth.’
’& compassed’ is portrayed with the 2 going around the earth made in the shape of a ’0’ for chapter 20.
‘the camp of the saints about, & the beloved city’ you can think of circling around the diamond for ’the camp of the saints' where they are in ’the beloved city,’ that John sees coming down from heaven that also contains the mansions of the righteous.
‘& fire came down’ is the ’fire coming down.’
‘from God’ is the Revelation icon. 
‘out of heaven’ is the cloud.
‘& devoured them’ is the earth with the fire, again, coming down.

For verse :9 a royal blue ‘9’ is drawn on the world on fire.

The resurrection of the unrighteous happens after the 1000 years & then God shows them the judgment of how He tried to save them throughout their life & they rejected Him & His law. And then that is when the fire of the 2nd death devours them.

After the 1000 years  what will happen to the unrighteous after they are resurrected on this earth? After the 1000 years  what will happen to the unrighteous after they are resurrected on this earth?


What is the  fire & final  death called? (2nd death)What is the  fire & final  death called? (2nd death)

Revelation 20:14 & :15
‘And death’ is the top of a 2 made into a grave with ground surrounding it.
‘& hell’ is the bottom of the 2 drawn with people in a prison, like they cannot escape, that is on fire.
‘were cast into the lake of fire’ is the arrows coming from them pointing to the ‘lake of fire’ drawn on a zero to denote they are being ‘cast into it.’
‘This is’ is represented with an equal sign. 
‘the second’ is the 2 with the ‘nd’ at the top. 
‘death’ is the 2 also made into a sword & the person at the bottom, & the 0 made with a grave in it.
‘And whosoever’ is depicted with the man & woman drawn on the top & bottom of the 2.
‘was not’ is the ‘not’ sign cross the zero.
‘found written in the book of life’ is the zero drawn with a hand holding a ‘book’ in the zero with the middle of the ’book’ making an ‘l’ for ‘life.’ 
‘was cast into the lake of fire’ is the arrow drawn from the people to the ’lake of fire.’

For verse :14 & :15 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the grass by the grave & a royal blue ‘4’ is made on the bottom of the grave for verse 14. A royal blue ‘1’ is made on the not sign & a royal blue ‘5’ is made on the Revelation icon ‘R’ to think of not written in the book of life for verse 15.

So, if ‘death & hell are being thrown into the lake of fire,’ that means there will be no more death or hell. This is the real hell that Jesus was talking about with the gnashing of teeth. Jesus tried to warn us, that for some, this would be a painful death, & He did not want anyone to get this death.


Who was the  fire prepared for,  so we know the devil  is not in charge of it?Who was the  fire prepared for,  so we know the devil  is not in charge of it?

Matthew 25:41
‘Depart’ is the 2 with 2 people & arrows going down to represent they are ‘departing.’
‘from me’ is the 2 drawn with a person sitting on a 5 drawn into a throne above the Matthew crown for ‘King Jesus.’
‘ye cursed’ is the 5 drawn with a house on the top that you can think the people on the left had conjured up the spirits in a séance from the grave at the bottom of the 5. You can think of the bottom of the 5 making a ‘c’ for ‘cursed.’ 
‘into everlasting fire' is illustrated with the 'fire' at the bottom of the 5.
‘prepared for the devil’ is the 2 made into a dragon, & a ‘d’ for ‘devil’ & ‘dragon.’
‘& his angels’ is the top of the 5 made into an ‘angel’ with its wings spreading out that you can think is making a capital ‘A’ for ‘angels.’

For verse :41 a royal blue ‘4’ is made with the devil in the 4 & a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the left side of the angel.

The evil people in the end of this great controversy will be cursed for their disobedience to God & have to be cast into the lake of fire & receive the 2nd death. This fire was not prepared for the wicked, but for the devil & his angels for disobeying God in heaven. But all that he deceives to disobey God get the lake of fire 2nd death with him. So, we see Satan is not in charge of hell, but the opposite. He is one of the receivers of the fire.


How long was  for ever for a servant that loved his master? (ear)How long was  for ever for a servant that loved his master? (ear)

Exodus 21:6
‘his master’ is the higher 1st curve of the Exodus wave.
‘shall bore his’ is the lower 2nd curve for the servant that loves his master & wants to serve his master because he is good to him & takes care of him & does not want to leave.
‘ear’ is the 2 made into ‘ears.’
‘through with an aul’ is the 1 made into an ‘aul.’
‘& he’ is the ears, again. 
‘shall serve him’ is the aul, again.
‘for ever’ are the waves that you can think are going up to heaven.

For verse :6 a royal blue ‘6’ is made on the top right wave of the Exodus icon.

So, here ‘forever’ would be as long as the servant was alive, he would serve his master.


How long was  for ever  for Samuel? (as long)How long was  for ever  for Samuel? (as long)

1 Samuel 1:22 & :28
‘and there abide’ is the 1 made into the temple that you can also think makes the shape of a ’t’ for ‘temple’
& ‘there.’ This is where Hannah & Elkanah took their son Samuel to serve the Lord, & ‘abide’ with Eli.
‘for ever’ is the 1 Samuel icon septre you can think is pointing up to heaven.
‘as long’ is the ‘a’ shape of the little Samuel toddler’s head for ‘as’ & the 1 on him because 1 shapes
are ‘long.’ 
‘as he’ is the ‘a’ shape of his head again, for ‘as’ & the little Samuel toddler for ‘he.’
‘liveth’ is the little Samuel toddler’s arms going out, being ‘lively.’

For verse :22 & :28 a royal blue ‘22’ is made in the temple where Hannah brought Samuel to serve the Lord like it is the address of the temple, for verse 22, & a royal blue ‘2’ is made on the hand & arm of little Samuel & a royal blue ‘8’ is made with the top circle on his head & the bottom circle on his body, for verse 28.

This verse tells what Hannah meant when she said Samuel would abide there ‘forever.’ It was as long as he lived.


How long was  for ever  for Jonah? (bars)How long was  for ever  for Jonah? (bars)

Jonah 2:6
‘the earth’ is the yellow sand at the bottom of the sea.
‘with her bars was about’ are the sea weeds made into 2 shapes that look like ‘bars’ surrounding the fish.
‘me’ is the praying man made in the shape of a 2 for ’Jonah’ in the big fish.
‘for ever’ are the sea weeds curving around ‘forever.’

For verse :6 a royal blue ‘6’ is drawn on the bottom of the right seaweed.

Jonah was only in the belly of the fish 3 days, so we see ‘forever’ can also be, that it feels like a really long time.
So, according to the Bible, ‘everlasting’ fire or fire that lasts for 'ever’ can be fire that lasts till life is over or that it would seem like ‘forever,’ because of its drudgery & how hard it is to go through. Webster's dictionary says ‘ever’ means without intermission. So, in the ‘everlasting’ fire, they will not get a break from the torment of the fire, so it can seem like it is ‘for ever’ or eternity.


What does  the Bible say eternal fire is? (Sodom & Gomorrha)What does  the Bible say eternal fire is? (Sodom & Gomorrha)

Jude 1:7
‘Even’ you can think the bottom of the ‘E’ is ‘even’ with the 1st city building.
‘as Sodom & Gomorrah’ are the buildings that are making 1’s for their walls.
‘suffering’ is the Jude icon man looking like he is ‘suffering.’
‘the vengeance’ is the 1 making an upside down ‘v’ for ‘vengeance.’
‘of eternal fire’ is the ‘E’ for ‘eternal’ & the ’fire’ encompassing the city buildings & most of the page.

For verse :7 a royal blue ‘7’ is made on the Jude icon man.

Here we see that ‘eternal fire’ is the fire that no one could extinguish because the whole cities & their inhabitants were turned to ashes. The fire is not going today, yet it is called ‘eternal.’ This helps us to understand that ‘eternal fire’ is fire that goes on continually, with no one able to stop it, until everyone & everything in it is completely burned up.


What is a soul? (breath of life)What is a soul? (breath of life)

Genesis 2:7
‘And the Lord’ is the top of the 2 made into the ’Lord’s’ white sleeved arm.
’God’ is the cloud around the 2.
‘formed’ is the Lord’s hand to ’form’ or make man.
‘man’ is the bottom of the 2 made with the ’man’ laying on the ground.
‘of the dust of the ground’ is the Genesis icon earth that the man is on.
‘& breathed into his nostrils’ is the Genesis icon heaven wave line to represent the air for the ’breath’ going into his ’nose.’
‘the breath’ is the Genesis icon heaven wave line, again.
‘of life’ is the man, again.
‘& man became a living soul’ is tracing around the 2 made into a ’man’ moving & walking & almost running for ‘living.’

For verse :7 a royal blue ‘7’ is drawn on the man that is the living soul.

So, the ‘soul’ is 1st, a body that is made of the elements & has substance. The 2nd identification of a ‘soul’ is that it has the breath of life, in order to qualify as a ‘soul.’


Does a soul that has sinned die? (it shall die)Does a soul that has sinned die? (it shall die)

Ezekiel 18:4
‘the soul’ is the 1 made into a person, that is, that has a body along with the breath of life.
‘that sinneth’ is the 8 made at the top of the ten commandment stones that are broken at the bottom.
‘it’ is the 1 made into a person in a casket in the Ezekiel icon cart.
‘shall die’ is the 8 made for graves in the ground below.

For verse :4 a royal blue ‘4’ is made on the Ezekiel icon cart carrying the casket.

So here, God is saying that a ‘soul’ can die.


Can a soul be destroyed in hell? (soul & body)Can a soul be destroyed in hell? (soul & body)

Matthew 10:28
‘fear him’ is the Matthew icon crown to represent ‘God,’ to think God is who to ‘fear.’
‘which’ is the ‘w’ for ‘which’ at the end of the Matthew icon.
‘is able to destroy’ is the 2 swords at the top.
‘both’ is the 2 swords, again.
‘soul' is the zero made into a mouth that you can think is blowing out a breath that a ‘soul’ has to have.
‘& body in hell’ is the man made into a 1, standing in the fire.

For verse :28 a royal blue ‘2’ is made on the left side of the fire & a royal blue ‘8’ is made on the right side of the fire.

So here, God is saying that a ‘soul’ can die in hell.


Are fish also considered souls that can die? (in the sea)Are fish also considered souls that can die? (in the sea)

Revelation 16:3
‘and every’ is the Revelation icon ‘R’ that you can think of for the ‘r’ in ‘every.’
‘living’ is the 1 made into an angel that you can think is ‘living.’
‘soul’ are the 3 fish, because they have bodies & the breath of life in them by getting the oxygen out of the water.
‘died’ is the top of the 6 with the ‘deadly’ plagues being poured out.
‘in the sea’ is the bottom of the 6 with ‘the sea’ that is turning black as dead man's blood.

For verse :3 a royal blue ‘3’ is made on the right side of the fish tail & 3 fish are drawn to help you remember verse 3.

So the misconception of the ‘soul’ living on for ever & ever through all eternity is false doctrine. It is some of the wine of Babylon. It echoes Satan’s words to Eve, ‘ye shall not surely die.’  We know this was not true then, & is still not true. We shall surely die eternally if we do not get the power from Jesus & obey all of the commandments.


Is speaking  in tongues a  known language?  (own language)Is speaking  in tongues a  known language?  (own language)

Acts 2:6
‘every man’ is the 2 made with 2 faces on it.
‘heard them’ are the arrows from the faces pointing to the 2 made into 2 ears that 'heard' with the arrow pointing to the 2 mouths, for ‘them.’
‘speak’ is the 2 made with 2 mouths with voice lines, ‘speaking.’
‘in his own language’ is the arrow at the bottom of the 2 mouths pointing to the 2 with the 2 worlds on them with the names of some of the people that were there, at Pentecost - Asians, Romans, Egyptians, & Arabians, to name a few ‘languages.’

For verse :6 a royal blue ‘6’ is drawn on the top earth.

The situation was like when we have a meeting of the nations, many interpreters need to be present so that all discussions can be understood by all. God provided the apostles with the ability to be interpreters & actually gave the apostles the gift of these ‘languages.’


Should everyone be speaking in tongues, since not all are given the gift of tongues? (to another)Should everyone be speaking in tongues, since not all are given the gift of tongues? (to another)

1 Corinthians 12:10
‘To another the working of miracles’ you can think the 1 Corinthians icon palm tree, made with a 1 on it, is diseased, & the hands made on the 2 are ‘working’ & ‘miraculously’ healing the tree.
‘to another prophecy’ you can think is the 2 made into a man praying & getting a vision from God. 
‘to another discerning of spirits’ are the 2s made into 2 doves for ‘spirits.’
‘to another divers kinds of tongues’ you can think is the 1 made into a ‘tongue’ ‘diving’ in the water & also the waves that are in different ‘divers’ areas of the water.
‘to another the interpretation of tongues’ is the 1 made into another ‘tongue’ on the right by the waves all in line like they are all understanding the same thing because they have the ‘interpretation’ of the message. You can also correlate that waters in Revelation 17:15 mean people & multitudes & nations & ‘tongues’ for
the ‘tongues’ in the water.

For verse :10 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the right tongue & a royal blue ‘0’ is drawn on top of the wave beside it like it is a bubble.

This is just a partial list of the gifts God gives to His churches. So, we see that God gives a variety of gifts to the churches where they need the gifts. If everyone in a church is speaking in ‘tongues,’ then there is an error.


3rd Angel

What is the 1st part of the 3rd angel’s message?  (3rd angel)What is the 1st part of the 3rd angel’s message?  (3rd angel)

Revelation 14:9
‘And the third angel followed them’ is the large ‘angel’ with ‘3rd’ written beside it ‘following’ the other 2 smaller angels.
‘saying with a loud voice’ are the black voice lines to indicate ‘loud.’ 
‘if any man worship’ is the 'man’ made into a 1 shape that is ‘worshiping’ the beast. 
‘the beast’ is the ‘beast,’ described in Revelation 13, on the 1st line of the 4.
‘& his image’ is the beast faded lightly to represent ‘his image’ on the other side of the 4.
‘& receive’ is the 1 made into an arrow pointing to the head, & the top of the 4 lines made into arrows pointing to the head & hand ‘receiving.’
‘his mark in his forehead’ is the man’s ‘forehead’ on the middle line of the 4 with a sun ‘mark’ on it to represent Sunday worship.
‘or in his hand’ is the ‘hand’ on the middle line of the 4 with a sun on it also, to represent Sunday worship.

For verse :9 a royal blue ‘9’ is drawn around the face of the man with the sun mark on his forehead.

Since a beast is a king or kingdom, then his image would be a king or kingdom that somehow looks like the beast. And people will take a ‘mark’ that is of the beast, not the image of the beast. So, whatever the beast says is their ‘mark’ of identification, the people will get it in the forehead, which means in their mind, that is, they will believe in the ‘mark.’ Or they will get it in their hand, which means their actions or works, so the people do not have to believe in the ‘mark,’ but will do the ‘mark’ anyway.


What is the 2nd part of the 3rd angel’s message? (tormented)What is the 2nd part of the 3rd angel’s message? (tormented)

Revelation 14:10
‘The same’ is the person on the 14 lightly shaded because it is from the previous verse, 14:9, that receives the mark of the beast in their forehead or in their hand.
‘shall drink of the wine’ is the purple drops drawn in the shape of a 1 like they are going to the man’s mouth that he will ‘drink’ this ‘wine.’
‘of the wrath’ is the man’s arm made on a 4 holding a weapon like he is ‘angry’ with the man drawn on the right side of the 4.
‘of God’ is the 4 made into ‘God’ sitting on His throne.
‘which is poured out’ is the hand ‘pouring out’ the wine in the shape of a 1.
‘without mixture into the cup’ is the man with a shovel that you can think is ‘not mixing’ the 'wine’ in the cup made out of a 4.
‘of his indignation’ is the man ‘digging’ with the shovel because ‘dig’ is in the middle of in‘dig’nation.
‘& he shall be tormented with fire & brimstone’ is portrayed with the ‘man‘ made out of a 1 in the 4 with ‘fire‘ & a large yellow ‘brimstone‘ in it, for chapter 14.
‘in the presence of the holy angels’ is the ‘angel‘ made into a 1 on the top left of the 4.
‘& in the presence of the Lamb’ is ‘the Lamb,‘ Jesus, on the top right of the 4 that you can think are in the beloved city that we learned in Revelation 20 when the fire comes down & devours them that they will be in the ‘presence of.’

For verse :10 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the angel & a royal blue ‘0’ is made around the lamb for verse 10 & another royal blue ‘1’ is made on the tormented man & a royal blue ‘0’ on the brimstone.

So, we can see that the sacrificial law is still continuing because Jesus is referred to as the ‘Lamb’ after the 1000 years have passed, demonstrating that God’s laws cannot change or be altered, therefore, obeying God’s 7th day sabbath law is still one of the duties of man.


What is the 3rd part of the 3rd angel’s message? (the smoke)What is the 3rd part of the 3rd angel’s message? (the smoke)

Revelation 14:11
‘And the smoke’ is the ‘smoke’ lines going up from the fire.
‘of their torment’ is the man in the fire & brimstone made into a 4 that is shaded lightly because it is from the previous verse, 14:10, referring to the ‘torment’ of them that are ‘tormented’ with fire & brimstone.
‘ascendeth up’ is the smoke lines, again. 
‘forever & ever’ you can think of the 3 angels. The 1st angel to represent ‘for.’ The 2nd angel to represent ‘ever.’ And the 3rd angel to represent ‘& ever.’ 
‘& they have no rest’ is the 1 made into a ‘not’ sign on the 4 made with the bed in it for ‘rest.’
‘day nor night’ is the sun for ‘day’ & the moon for ‘night’ placed at the top of the 4.
‘who’ you can think of the 4 with the not sign as a ‘w’ shape for ‘who.’ 
‘worship the beast & his image’ is the man again made into a 1 shape on the ground, ’worshiping the beast’ made on the left side of the 4 & the lightly shaded beast for ‘his image’ on the right side of the 4.
‘& whosoever’ you can think is the 4 with the not sign as a ‘w’ shape, again, for ‘whosoever.’ 
‘receiveth’ is the arrow made in the shape of 1 pointing to the man’s head 'receiving,' drawn on a 4 for chapter 14.
‘the mark’ is the man & hand on the 4 with suns as the ‘mark’ on them.
‘of his name’ is ‘name’ written on the horizontal line of the 4 like it is written on the bottom line of a piece of paper.

For verse :11 a royal blue ‘11’ is made on the smoke.

God gives us the clue that those who worship the beast & his image & receive the mark have ‘no rest day,’ that is, they have ‘no sabbath day,’ because they are not entering into God’s rest day, so they have ‘no rest day.’


Does the beast rise out of water and have horns? (out of the sea)Does the beast rise out of water and have horns? (out of the sea)

Revelation 13:1
‘And I’ is the man made into a 1, for ‘John.’ You can think the 1 also looks like the letter ‘I’ for ‘I.’
‘saw’ is depicted with the man ‘looking’ over at the beast. 
‘a beast’ is the 13 made into the beast that has a leopard body on the 3, & has feet as a bear on it, & a 1 made with lions teeth on the left of it.
‘rise up out of the sea’ is the beast ‘rising up out of the sea’ & the Revelation icon ‘R’ for the ‘r’ in ‘rise’ placed like it is ‘rising up out of the sea.’ A 3 is made on the waves also to think that the beast ‘rising up out of the sea’ is in Revelation 13.
‘having seven heads’ are the ‘7 heads’ drawn on the right of the 1 on the beast. 
‘& ten horns, & upon his horns ten crowns, & upon his heads the name of blasphemy’ are the 10 white ‘horns’ at the top of the beast with the yellow ‘crowns’ on the ‘horns’ & on the top of the ‘heads is the name blasphemy.’

For verse :1 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the man representing John.


Do horns in  Bible prophecy represent kings? (10 kings)Do horns in  Bible prophecy represent kings? (10 kings)

Daniel 7:24
‘And the ten horns’ are the ‘10 horns’ made at the bottom of the 7’s.
‘out of this kingdom’ are the 10 horns on the left side of the crown like they came ‘out of this’ crown representing ‘the kingdom’ of the 4th beast & they are ‘outside' of the kingdom.
‘are 10 kings’ are the 10 crowns on the top of the 7’s & ‘kings’ written in the Daniel icon parchment paper.
‘that shall arise’ is the arrow going up the 7.

For verse :24 a royal blue ‘2’ is made going around the crown & horn of the next to the last 7, & a royal blue ‘4’ is made on the crown & horn of the last 7.

The beast has 10 horns on his 7 heads which means he is in control of 10 kings. So, this beast kingdom is very powerful.


Did John  see a woman sitting on water? (many waters)Did John  see a woman sitting on water? (many waters)

Revelation 17:1
‘I will shew unto thee’ is the 1 made into a man, for ‘John,’ that is being ‘shown’ these things.
‘the judgment’ is represented with the 1 made into a ‘judge’s’ gavel.
‘of the great’ is represented with the arrow going up the 7 for ‘great’ & the Revelation icon ‘R’ for the ‘r’
in ‘great.’
‘whore that sitteth upon many waters’ is the woman ‘sitting’ on the top of the 7 which is also made into a blue wavy line that you can think of as water waves for ‘many waters.’

For verse :1 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the man representing John.

Now we see a similarity in the Revelation 13 ‘beast rising up out of the sea’ & the Revelation 17 ‘woman sitting on many waters.’ This is where God now gives more details about the beast by comparing it to this woman & connecting them with both of them involved with a lot of water under them. Or you can think of it the other way, that they are over a lot of water.


Does a woman represent a church in Bible prophecy? (comely)Does a woman represent a church in Bible prophecy? (comely)

Jeremiah 6:2
‘I have likened’ is the line at the top of the 6 you can think is making an ‘l’ for ‘likened.’ 
‘the daughter’ is the baby in pink in the bottom of the 6 with the arrow going down.
‘of Sion’ you can think is the Jeremiah icon building structure.
‘to a comely & delicate woman’ is the Revelation 12 pure ‘woman’ made into a 2 because this is actually verse 2, that you can think is the top of the 2 making a backwards ‘c’ for ‘comely’ & the side & bottom of the 2 making a ‘d’ for ‘delicate.’ You can also think that she is white & very beautiful & shining for ‘comely’ because ‘comely’ means beautiful. She is drawn small here to display ‘delicate.’

For verse :2 a royal blue ‘2’ is made on the comely & delicate woman.

God is saying that He has likened His people to a comely & delicate woman. So, a ‘woman’ represents a church in Bible prophecy.


Is the woman  a great city? (that great city)Is the woman  a great city? (that great city)

Revelation 17:18
‘And the woman’ is the ‘woman’ sitting on the 7.
‘is that great city’ is illustrated with a ‘city’ drawn on top of the 7 for ‘great’ with the equal sign in between the woman & the city for the woman being ‘that great city.’
‘which reigneth over the kings of the earth’ is the woman placed higher for ‘reigneth’ with the Revelation icon ‘R’ for ‘reigneth’ placed beside the arrow going up like it’s going ‘over the king’ drawn on top ‘of the earth.’

For verse :18 a royal blue ‘1’ is made on the left side walls of the city & a royal blue ‘8’ is made on the top towers of the city & the wave of the waters at the bottom of the city, & another royal blue 18 is drawn with a 1 on the arrow representing over & a royal blue 8 is drawn on the king & the earth.
Also for an extra clue, a small green 3 is placed on the right side of the tree to remember that verse 3 is where it says the woman is sitting on the beast in the wilderness.

Rome is the 4th beast that came into power in Daniel & the only place now, that is called Rome, is the city of Rome. So, technically, the woman is also Rome & she has her seat in Rome.
Since a church has moral authority, & the beast is a church, we can see how this beast has become so powerful because moral authority overrides civil authority, which means what this ‘church says’ overrides what the ‘civil laws says’ one has to do.
The beast is also Babylon, that great city, in Revelation 14, because she encompasses the erroneous teachings of the Christian world, because of the correlation that she has harlot daughters that also keep her ‘mark’ of authority & go to church on Sunday.


What is written  on the woman’s forehead? (The Mother)What is written  on the woman’s forehead? (The Mother)

Revelation 17:5
‘And upon her forehead’ are the words written ‘up’ by the woman’s ‘forehead.’
‘was a name written’ is illustrated with ‘Mystery, Babylon, & Mother of harlots’ written by her forehead. The Revelation icon ‘R’ is also place by these ‘names written’ on her forehead to think of the ‘r’ in ‘written.’
‘Mystery’ is the house with a grave under it that the people in it are conjuring up spirits for a ‘mysterious’ séance.
‘Babylon The Great’ are the arrows going up for ‘great’ to make a 1 & a 7 & the ‘Babylon’ city to make the top of the 7.
‘The Mother’ is the ‘woman’ on the large 7, again.
‘Of Harlots’ is another woman sitting on a 7 drawn smaller to think she is her ‘harlot’ daughter.
‘And Abominations’ is the arrow ‘going down’ to the ‘earth.’
‘Of The Earth’ is the earth drawn at the bottom of the arrow.
To help you correlate the sequence of words in this phrase, the number of words increase from 
1-Mystery, to 3-Babylon The Great, to 4-The Mother Of Harlots, to 5-And Abominations Of The Earth.

For verse :5 a royal blue ‘5’ is made going across the woman’s forehead where the name was written & down her arm & herself, & another royal blue ‘5’ is also made on the house & grave having a séance for mystery, & another royal blue ‘5’ is drawn on the abominations of the earth.

With the name ‘mystery’ you can see why all the world wonders after the beast. Here is where she again is called ‘Babylon’ to recognize she is part of that great city, Babylon. And the next phrase tells why she is in Babylon, a state of confusion. It is because she’s the ‘mother,’ & known as the ‘mother church’ with daughters that still hold on to her mark, Sunday worship, among all the other false teaching that are prevalent, instead of being the ‘pure woman’ that is true to the Word of God.


Do the 7 heads that the woman is sitting on represent mountains? ( 7 mountains)Do the 7 heads that the woman is sitting on represent mountains? ( 7 mountains)

Revelation 17:9
‘The 7 heads’ are the ‘7 heads’ on the beast that the woman is sitting on under the tree made into a 1 in the wilderness. 
A small 3 is also drawn on the right side of the tree for extra information about verse 3, where it talks about the woman sitting on the beast in the ‘wilderness.’ You can also think of the 3 for a sideways ‘w’ for ‘wilderness.’
‘are 7 mountains’ is the 7 for ‘7 mountains’ & the 7 made into a ‘mountain.’
‘on which the woman sitteth’ is ‘the woman sitting’ on the 7 made into a mountain.

For verse :9 a royal blue ‘9’ is drawn on the mountain.

This is an early map of Rome, showing the ‘7 mountains,’ or hills, in the city that it was built on. There are other cities that say they are built on ‘7 mountains,’ or 7 hills also. This is just 1 of the beast identifiers that help us narrow it down to who the beast is. Since the beast sits on the ‘7 mountains,’ this literally can mean that the woman’s seat or the church’s seat is in the city of Rome.


What did the beast do to the saints? (make war)What did the beast do to the saints? (make war)

Revelation 13:7
‘And it was given’ is the arrow to think of the arrow making an ‘i’ for ‘it’ at the top of the arrow & the rest of the arrow for ‘was given.’
‘unto him’ is the 1 & a 3 made into the beast.
‘to make war’ is the 1 made into a sword for ‘war’ with the Revelation icon ‘R’ beside it for the ‘r’ in ‘war.’ 
‘with the saints’ is the 3 made into a lady & a man’s face that look like they are complacent & not angry, for ‘saints.’ 
‘& to overcome them’ is the hand with a gun in it that you can think is ‘coming over the top of them.’

For verse :7 a royal blue ‘7’ is drawn on the gun.

Here God says the Revelation 13 beast ‘makes war with the saints’ & the Daniel beast ‘wears out the saints of the most High’ correlating to us that the beast of Daniel 7 is the beast of Revelation 13.


What did  the woman do to the saints? (blood)What did  the woman do to the saints? (blood)

Revelation 17:6
‘And I saw’ is the eye.
‘the woman’ is the ‘woman’ sitting on the 7.
‘drunken’ is a drop of 'blood' in her hand like she is holding it to ‘drink’ it.
‘with the blood of the saints’ are the 6 drops of ’blood’ falling down making an ’s’ shape for ‘saints.’
‘& with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus’ you can think is the Revelation icon ‘R’ for the ‘r’s’ in ’martyrs’ & that they were jewels for dying for Jesus.

For verse :6 a royal blue ‘6’ is made on the eye, & royal blue ‘6’s’ are drawn on the 6 drops of the blood of the saints & of the blood of the martyrs.

Here God says the Revelation 17 woman is ‘drunken with the blood of the saints & with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus’ which correlates the Daniel 7 beast that ‘wears out the saints of the most High’ & the Revelation 13 description of the beast that ‘makes war with the saints’ to know that the Daniel 7 & the Revelation 13 beast is also the Revelation 17 woman.


How long did the beast continue  its power? (40 & 2 months)How long did the beast continue  its power? (40 & 2 months)

Revelation 13:5
‘And power’ is the 3 drawn into a man with strong ‘powerful’ muscles & the Revelation icon ‘R’ beside it for the ‘r’ in ‘power.’ 
‘was given’ is the arrow going down.
‘unto him’ is the 13 made into the beast.
‘to continue 40 & 2 months’ is the ‘4’ with the black line coming down from it to the ‘2’ with a black line ‘continuing’ on around it for ‘continue’ & the calendar beside the ‘continuing 42’ to represent ‘months.’

For verse :5 a royal blue ‘5’ is made on the 40 & 2.

The beast in Revelation 13 continued & did not stop its persecuting power for 42 months. Let’s see if this is the same persecuting time as the Daniel 7:25 beast:

A time, times, & dividing of time
= 3 1/2 years
= 1260 days
= *1260 years

42 months
= 3 1/2 year
= 1260 days
= *1260 years

*Ezekiel 4:6
prophetic principle says:
1 day = 1 year

We see this is the same persecuting time as the Daniel 7:25 beast. So, the Revelation 13 beast is the Daniel 7:25 beast.
